SA CoE in Life Sciences, Innovation, and Technology
The main goal of the SA CoE (LSIT) is to provide educational opportunities to support Capacity Building and a Holistic Scientific Understanding. Focusing on life sciences, innovation, and technology, SA CoE programs and events are designed for a wide range of students – from primary and secondary school learners to tertiary students, scientists in academia and industry, the corporate sector, as well as the general public.
In addition and in support of innovation development, the SA CoE (LSIT) encourages increased consciousness awareness and a greater understanding of the creative process – with emphasis on Life Sciences, Innovation, and Technology … read more
Find SA CoE Host Facilities, Contributors, & Members
Our programs and events are designed for an extended audience – from students, educators, and lecturers, to postgraduate researchers and scientists to the corporate sector and members of the general public … view more
The SA Centre of Excellence in Life Sciences, Innovation, and Technology (CoE-LSIT) is a collaboration of various professional experts, institutions, organisations, and the corporate sector with the aim to provide educational opportunities to support capacity building and a holistic and scientific understanding of our living world, universe, and entanglement with it all.
As our panel of experts and contributors keep on expanding, we are grateful to say that so does the expertise, programs, and courses that the SA CoE is able to offer … view more
Absolute amazing initiative and available programs. The Sa CoE is the perfect platform to promote the exchange of scientific information between industry, educators, and the general public.

Walter Watkins
Green Corp
Congratulations SA CoE – your inclusion of “innovation and leadership education” is brilliant! As PEOPLE directly determine the state of our biodiversity, inspiring & informing today’s and tomorrow’s leaders from a life science perspective is VISIONARY!

Amanda Powell
Botanical Society
THANK YOU – a first holistic approach to understanding science and putting “things” into perspective that I’ve encountered as a student in South Africa. The world, my world, is making more “sense” for the first time.

Kirk Steward
Psychology Student, SA